date: 8/31/2023 time: 5:30pm

title: my first ever blog

hello to all the readers! welcome to my first ever blog/journal entery! i have never done one of these before so it's kind of exciting! making a blog was something that i've wanted to do for while, but i never had the nerve to do one T_T anyways, i'm not too share what to talk about in this entery; i don't have much going on except finishing my website, which i'm kinda closing to finishing!

i probably won't be making many enteries though since my life is uneventful lolol so i'll probably make an entery ever month (or so) unless i get hooked on making them.

i'm acutally on my last semester of college! i'm going to get my associates degree, then i'm thinking of going into the programming/engineering career! it's something i've looked into and i think i would enjoy doing. anyways that's the end of this blog! until next time ^_^ !

date: N/A time: N/A

title: NA

content unavaliable.
